How to stay safe while watching gray whales in Baja

 One of the best year-round activities in California is planning a trip for whale watching in Baja. While this keeps you engaged in comprehending the routes and habits of gray whales, it also bears some potential risks if you are not aware of the safety details.

These situations can be dangerous for both tourists as well as the whales, hence it is encouraged to do a bit of homework before you onboard your ship or motorboat.
Key points to be kept in mind on your whale watching trip at Baja Lagoons
Stay at a safe distance while going for grey whale watching in Baja
Just as much we love our personal space and territory, so do the gray whales in Baja. Thus, it is crucial to be mindful while navigating as it is suggested to stay almost 400 meters away from an approaching whale. If your vessel is nearing it, stop with your engine on and be careful. If you are still at some distance, redirect your path as it is not a great plan to disturb theirs.
By carefully noticing the pods of whales, you can get an indication of their behavior and mood. If you observe a sudden alteration in the swimming pattern or speed, and slapping of tales then immediately leave their territory as it is a means of communication, they use to warn the predators. They often show these distressful movements to protect their calves from people coming for whale watching in Baja Lagoons.
  • Stay on the side and do not cross the path of grey whales at Baja
  • Refrain from touching and feeding gray whales
    There are ample reasons why it is advised not to go near them for touching and feeding. Not only is it dangerous, but it can transmit deadly diseases. If you feed them unsuitable food, they can fall sick. Another reason is to maintain a fear of ships in gray whales lest they would approach them and might get hurt.
  • Limit the time of your whale watching in Baja
    While it is a mesmerizing and maddening experience to watch the gray whales in the Baja lagoon, it is also potentially harmful since the disturbance tends to annoy them. The noise of the vessel's engine disrupts them from hunting food, mating, and socializing. The experts recommend spending no more than 25-30 minutes.
    Contact us today and get your slot booked for an adventurous whale watching trip that will make you embrace nature and its creation!
Crossing and disturbing their paths cause them stress as they get puzzled about the route they are following. Hence, the experts of whale watching in Baja always prefer approaching from either of the parallel sides.
Safely enjoy gray whale watching in Baja with has organized safe and joyous whale watching excursions in Baja, California, for decades Our experience has taught us to ensure not to harm the gray Baja whales mentally or physically.


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